I did moderately well at the Iowa City Open, with 3.0/4.0. My horrible lack of sleep the night before made things difficult, luckily all four games were pretty straightforward. It also helped that the tournament was only about two blocks from where I live, so I got to go home and rest between rounds. In the third round, I played Jiahua Zhang, a young player who in early 2009 I told Hank Anzis was going to be a strong player sometime in the next few years. Here it is a year and a half later, over 600 points later for Jiahua, and him coming off a nice draw against an expert, I knew I had my work cut out for me. The opening and middlegame of this game were nearly nonexistent. It felt like it just went 1. e4 c5 2. Rxe8+ and endgame. Because of this, there was obviously no room for a flashy attack. So I just did what I always do when I'm playing a dangerous young player, I just out-endgame them. For all my flashy attacks, I actually think my chances are better in any given ending than any given middlegame. Don't get discouraged by this video being about endgames, I still try to keep it interesting by adding in lots of pretty colors. Enjoy and share your thoughts in the comments!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
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I remember you playing Jiahua in Ankeny in 2008 and telling me he was going to be really good. How come you had to play goffstein in round 2?
I would assume I had to play Goffstein since colors were crazy. Aside from that there was no reason I should have had to have played him in round 2. I was 6 of 13 with one point after the first round, so it really does confuse me.
Didn't look like there were any upsets in round 1. Was the TD using a computer or just flipping coins?
I think it was computer pairings.
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