Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fun Tactics

I decided for this post to give you some more tactics. These tactics are a bit more abstract than the straightforward ones I usually post. In the next few days I may post a game I annotated. Enjoy:

Tactic #1: Difficulty: Moderately Hard, Black to move (From a win against a GM online).

Tactic #2: Difficulty: Easy, White to move.

Tactic #3: Difficulty: Hard, Black to move (From a win against a different GM online).


1. ...Bc3! is the best way to simplify. (1. ...Bd1 is the only other reasonable move) 2. Nxg4 (Any rook move loses to either Bxf6 or taking the rook.) 2. ...Bxe5 3. Nxe5 Ke7 with a superior ending that was eventually converted.

1. c4! wins a pawn. 1. ...Qd8 2. cxd5 and if 2. ...Qxd5 3. Qxc5! keeps the pawn. In the game, black played 2. ...cxd4, when 3. Qxe4+! gained the pawn anyway, and white went on to quickly win.

Black is up a piece, but it is being attacked and is pinned to the rook.
1. ...Bxg2!! is the finishing blow. Black will remain up material with an easy win in sight. In the game, 2. Qxd4 Qxh3+ and white resigned due to losing the f1 rook after Kg1 Qh1+ Kf2 Bxf1.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeremy:

I wanted to invite you to MCA FIDE Futurity V Sep 27-28. You will receive a free entry provided you preregister. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I stared at this a few minutes, and came up with c4 for #1 which Rybka seems to like. Let him have the bishop, he can't stop the pawn from advancing the pawn thanks to the squares the bishop on d2 controls. However the computer reverts to your suggestion (Bc3) if white moves to d6.

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