Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Video Collection Expanding Soon
Hi everybody. I had intended to have more videos to post by now, but I have had a bit of a sore throat, so I have not done any recording. Still jobless, but recently remembered that I have a way to try and find a job through the University. Hopefully that will increase my chances out there. Anyway, once my throat gets back to normal (hopefully tomorrow) I will record some more videos and post them on here. I figured out how to improve the quality by doing some tweaking of my capture settings (I usually stream video, but I can record in much higher quality when I am not streaming). The plan is to convert all of the articles I've written for Iowa Chess News En Passant to video format and to do all future annotations in video form. I think it is probably a better medium than text, though I am still undecided how married I am to the format. That is all for now, hopefully I'll be posting video in the next 24 hours.
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