There are a few options for white in this position, so there should be plenty to discuss. White is visually winning, so I would like the discussion to be more based around how white should continue to press the advantage. Once we have discussed for a while I will post what happened in the game (I think you'll enjoy the finish).
Here is the position for white's 27th move after 26. ...Qc6-d7.

Don't feel like you have to look for tactics or any deep positional ideas, just share your thoughts about the position and some potential ideas.
I'll even go first - I like the white pieces a lot more than the black pieces here. The black pieces are pretty tied down and aren't very active, while white's pieces are attacking and (mostly) well-placed.
At first glance, I think the queen side is under control and that makes me want to play h4-g5
That is certainly a viable plan.
As one who loves throwing the kingside pawns, it is definitely enticing.
The queenside is slightly more volatile than it appears since there is the matter of the knight on a5 being slightly out of place and could potentially be in some danger if we immediately go in guns blazing on the kingside.
Not that we wouldn't take care to resolve that before throwing the kitchen sink at the black king.
To sum it up, I do like that plan. All we need to do is verify (I haven't looked too deeply at the long-range implications of an immediate h4-g5) its soundness before playing it.
It took me forever to figure out the "move" h4 to g5 (just to give you a baseline estimate of my lack of chess skills!)
In my caveman approach, I would go after the d6 pawn. To snatch it right away does not work (?) but maybe preparing something like moving b3 and aim for the pawn or a little more space and structure queenside?
There is certainly nothing wrong with taking the time to strengthen the position with something like b3. I actually hadn't thought of that during the game. I guess I was concerned that I was weakening c3 too much, but with the knight on b5 it looks safe enough. Also, then our errant knight on a5 can come back to c4 if it is in danger.
I like b3. It is a nice, cautious approach.
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