Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chicago Open Rounds 1-3

I unfortunately only have 0.5/3.0 in the Open at this point, but not for lack of effort. Later today I will play rounds 4 and 5, and will hopefully post games 1-3 here.

Round 1: Black vs. Aung Lwin (2313)

Not too much to say about this game, I played the Philidor, and neither side ever really got anything going, so it fizzled to a draw.

Round 2: White vs. FM Ali Morshedi (2294)

This one was a barn-burner KID. The end result was that his attack was slightly faster than mine, and I lost.

Round 3: Black vs. GM Anatoly Lein (2359)

This was a nightmare. I got an attack, was up a pawn for negligible compensation, had a fairly straightforward route to victory, and then on move 17 dropped a piece. ARGH!

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